Thursday, 31 May 2007

G. Gern

From Switzerland - postmarked October 1998.

Classwar Karaoke

Some of Classwar's heroes? Sent from Cheshire in May 1998.

Gerald Nason

Is this a glove stiffener? Gerald sent this in July 1998.

Anna Banana

Pen and ink drawing from Anna in Canada. 1 of 4 sent.

Eileen McCaffery

Eileen sent her card Durham U.K. in 1998. 5 think it came originally from India and used as a stencil to spray henna dye on hands for certain religious festivals.

Karsu Todd

Karsu? sent his or her card from Northern Ireland .

Michael Dittborn

Michael sent his card from Grove City, U.S.A. Jan. 5th 1998.

Roger Radio

Sent unstamped and unfranked - probably in an envelope.