Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Thursday, 9 August 2007

Ilene Poff

Or Doff maybe? Sorry Ilene I can't decipher your name. This just arrived to add to the collection but it's feet that I'm gathering at the moment!

Monday, 11 June 2007

Phil Cervi?

"Hand Made By Computer" says the reverse message from Phil in Stourbridge U.K. Sent on 11th Dec. 1997.

Clemente Padin

The poet's hand from Uruguay. No stamp attached.

R. F. Cote

Mysterious hand with message " Happy 60th Anniversary!" from Canada. 22nd. October 1998.

Jaqueline Martin

Hands across the sea from Belgium. 3rd September 1998.

Thursday, 7 June 2007


Magda Archer is now married to Harry Hill the comedian and Peter Quinnell lives and works in Hastings. Sent 15th Nov. 1997.

Julian Beere

The post office has carefully franked this stamp gripped between the thumb and finger. Julian sent this 7th Jan. 1998.

Lois Klassen

Lois from Canada sent this on Jan. 27th 1998.

Debbie Peebles

"Live long and prosper" says Debbie in California. Sent 1998.

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Corina Fastwolf

A handy card from the U.S.A.

Guido Vermeulen

From Guido in Belgium. Sent Dec. 1997. Message reads - " Mail art is a bit mending the broken hands of the world."

Jim Barker

From Jim in Basingstoke. Sent in 1998.

Sagebrush Moderne

Sagebrush sent this from Nevada in March 1998. On the reverse he writes -" Here is my handy postcard. I feared an amputated thumb if I cut it out so hope that was avoided. Yes, we survived the pirates and ice-bergs but actually did see some sea-gypsies gathering nests for birds nest soup!"

Alejandro Thornton

From Argentina. Posted 30th Nov. 1997.

Saturday, 2 June 2007

Emily Emanuel

From California , U.S.A. posted on 14th December 1997.

Tim Drage

All the way from Newport, Wales. 18th November 1997.

Anne Miek

A lino cut from Holland.

Friday, 1 June 2007

Mary Anne

All the way from York, U.K. Sent on 9th Dec. 1997.

Renate Carelse

From Holland on the 13th January 1998.

Ginetta Pino

From Italy 12-01-98.

Holger Minotto

From Germany posted 28-05-98.

Thursday, 31 May 2007

G. Gern

From Switzerland - postmarked October 1998.

Classwar Karaoke

Some of Classwar's heroes? Sent from Cheshire in May 1998.

Gerald Nason

Is this a glove stiffener? Gerald sent this in July 1998.

Anna Banana

Pen and ink drawing from Anna in Canada. 1 of 4 sent.

Eileen McCaffery

Eileen sent her card Durham U.K. in 1998. 5 think it came originally from India and used as a stencil to spray henna dye on hands for certain religious festivals.

Karsu Todd

Karsu? sent his or her card from Northern Ireland .

Michael Dittborn

Michael sent his card from Grove City, U.S.A. Jan. 5th 1998.

Roger Radio

Sent unstamped and unfranked - probably in an envelope.